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Scientific Writing in Production Engineering (EPS106)

Course Load/Credits: 90 hours/6,0 credits.
- Introduction to scientific writing: The importance of disseminating and communicating research results;
- Ethics in scientific writing;
- Scientific article structure;
- Submission and articles’ review.
1 - Alley, Michael. The craft of scientific writing. 3 ed. New York, NY: Springer, 1995.
2 - Andrew Moore. Writing Science Well. 2015. Wiley (free ebook -
3 - Osvaldo Novais de Oliveira Jr. Writing Scientific Papers in English Successfully: Your Complete Roadmap. 2015. hyprtek
4 - Pekka Belt, Matti Mottonen, Janne Harkonen, TIPS FOR WRITING SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL ARTICLES. Disponivel em:
5 - FAPESP: Código de boas praticas cientificas. São Paulo – FAPESP, 2011 6 - GASTEL, Barbara; DAY, ROBERT. How to write and publish a scientific paper. California: Greenwood, 2016.